A man signs for a self-help program based on a simple principle: say yes to everything ... and nothing. First, unleash the power of "yes" transforms your life in surprising and unexpected ways, but soon discovers that opening up his life to endless possibilities can have its drawbacks.
Star (s) to see: Jim Carrey ( "Bruce Almighty," "Me, myself and Irene," "Liar Liar," "Ace Ventura," "Batman Forever") and Carl Allen.
Genre: Comedy, to adapt.
Release date: December 19, 2008
Fact: On the basis of material novel "Yeah man," by Danny Wallace, this is to see the film was produced by Jim Carrey and Jack Black.
Note: When someone tells Jim Carrey to jump over a bridge, the actor takes the order seriously. Or at least it does when it comes from director Peyton Reed and it is important for a scene in the Warner Bros. Pictures comedy, "Yes Man." This film is undoubtedly the biggest release of the comedy of 2008.
Rating: Coming soon.
Motto: "Yes" is the new NO. "
Official website: http://www.yesisthenewno.com/
Poster: http://www.impawards.com/2008/yes_man.html
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuJQy4HMveU
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